Kwaku Bany was crowned winner of the TV3 Mentor 2020 edition after sixteen weeks of hustle and tussle. He beat other competitors like Ayeyi, Semenhyia and Netty who made the final. Hyndu was evicted while Lyte suffered another fate of eviction on the grand finale after the first round of performing their own composed songs. Ayeyi emerged as the first runner up with cash prize of GHC 8,000 and Semenhyia who was evicted and revoted back into the contest whisked the second runner-up with GHC 5,000. Netty who was third runner-up also received GHC 5,000. Kwaku Bany who emerged as the winner of the contest took home a car, a two-bedroom apartment, an amount of GHC 10,000 and a recording deal, GHC 50,000 worth of airtime to promote his career as a rapper across all Media General Platforms and a 2 mastered songs recording deal. Congratulations to Kwaku Baby. You have worked for it. Keep soaring higher!