
Showing posts from August, 2024


You vanished when you blossomed in your prime Unknown To you, they had planned your extinct Seeing how callously they wished you journeyed far You fell for their antics one fateful 17/18 October 2021 While you had gladly merryd among them. To my naked eyes seeing you lie prostate I was overwhelmed with rivers of tears Thought they would washed you ashore back to life Then it dawned on me it was the final bid Who would have thought of your flash extinct? Hearing You speak to the masses on what you love doing Indeed, man is callously wicked Sleep well my friend, love and flesh, Sleep well, steve! My blood brother, now a memory! Journey on, dead shepherd, with your parents, sister, uncle and granny. But don't,  don't let the wicked any iota of peace till they have tasted of their handiwork.  Journey on,  Steve,. You dead shepherd! 

Hebrews 9.1_28 Dissection

THE OLD COVENANT AND THE NEW COVENANT COMPARED Hebrews 9:1-28 focuses on the fact that the Old Covenant featured aspects meant only as symbols of the "true" high priesthood of Christ. Since Christ's sacrifice is more powerful and performed in a better place, it is more effective in securing our salvation than the sacrifices of animals. "Priestly service in the tabernacle under the Old Covenant was a remarkable feat. When those things had been prepared, the priests always went into the first part of the tabernacle, performing the services/rituals. But into the second part, the high priest went alone once a year, not without blood, which he offered for himself and for the people's sins committed in ignorance. His entrance into the second part was not for fellowship, but only for atonement. The atoning blood was first for his own sins and then for the sins of his people." Access to the Holiest of All was thus severely restricted. Even when someone could enter,